Mountain Agung Trekking

Departure time:

  • 09.00 pm – 09.30 pm (start point at Besakih Temple)
  • 11.00 pm – 11.30 pm (start point at Pasar Agung Temple)

If you book with us, you just keep waiting at your lobby hotel (on request), then our driver will pick you up and take you direct to our start point (Besakih or Pasar Agung) about 2.5 hours drive.

When you arrive there, first we will introduce your with our guide who will accompany you during this adventure. When everything is ready, you can start your adventure. This is the hardest trekking that we had in Bali.

If you’d like to start from Besakih temple at 11.30 pm, it is take approximately 12 hours up & down. And from Pasar Agung, it’s takes 8 hours up & down. Climb up through the jungle to the top. The view of sunrise, Lombok Island, Nusa Penida island and nearly all around Bali are very wonderful.

We take you the top of mountain Agung accompanying by fresh breeze and bird singing from 2.950 meters above the sea level and when you arrive there, we will serve you with light breakfast.

After make a picture, we will take you back to start point again then continue to our restaurant for having lunch. Finish your lunch, we will take you back to your hotel and arrive around 3.00 pm in the afternoon.

Sharing Price: US$ 100.00 /person (min 2 person)

Price included:

  • Full AC transportaion
  • All equipment for trekking
  • Light breakfast
  • Lunch with delicious Indonesian buffet meal at the best recommended restaurant
  • Soft drink and mineral water on program
  • Insurance

Price Exclude: Personal expenses

If you book with us, you just keep waiting at your lobby hotel between 01.30- 02.00 am, and our driver will pick you up and take yuo to our location, about 2 hours drive.

When you arrive at our location, we will introduce you with our trekking guide and after everything is ready, you can start for trekking.

This mountain is around 1717 meters above the sea level and the duration is around 2 hours, but it is depend on you sense of your energy.

When you arrive on the top of the mount, while you waiting for Sunrise time, our guide will give you the details information about the mountain, you also can do meditation and you can choose for tour own place, and we will serve breakfast for you with sandwich, japple and coffee or tea. For your memories, don’t forget to bring your own camera.

The sunrise time is between 06.30 – 07.00 am and on that time you will feel like you are in the different world when you see the sunrise with background of Mount Rinjani in Lombok Island. After you see the amazing of sunrise, our guide will tak you to see the big crater. After that, walk around the top of the mount and if you are lucky you will find my elder broder over there (monkeys), then you will stop at one special place that you can steam an egg. There is a hole on the ground and you just put the eggs in the hole, only 7-10 minutes the eggs is ready to eat. Next, continue our guide will take you to see new crater of the last erupted in 1998.

On the way back, we will go down in the different way and we will stop at the last spot in Toya Bungkah for swimming and relax at the Hot Spring. Finish relaxing, we will take you to our restaurant to have lunch with buffet lunch. After that, we will take you back to your hotel. And remember whenever you find any interesting place, if you would like to stop, you just ask to our driver to stop and he will stop for you.

You will arrive at your hotel around 3 or 4 o’clock in the afternoon.


The Price is US$ 85.00 /pack (min 2 pack)

Price inluding:

  • Full AC transportation
  • Trekking guide
  • Trekking equipment
  • Breakfast
  • Swimming at Toya Bungkah
  • Mineral water
  • Buffet lunch
  • Insurance


Bedugul Jungle Trekking

Pickup time:06.30 – 07.00

Location: Bedugul

Bedugul Junggle Trekking

This trip is full day tour trek into Tropical rain forest near the village of bedugul, the part of Tabanan Regency. When you join with us, you just keep waiting in your lobby hotel around 06.30 – 07.00 Am and our driver (with full AC transportation) will pick up and take you to our location, around 2 hours drive.

Firstly, we will stop at Gobleg for resting and make a picture that we will serve you with light breakfast. To reach our starting point, we’ll take you to cross the Tamblingan lake by using traditional boats, about 30 minutes drive and than our guide will escort you into the tropical rain forest.

Bedugul junggle trekking

Around 1400 meters above the sea level and you will find flora and fauna, thrive village temple. Around 3 hours duration when the air still clear and free of clouds, trek into the heart of Balinese natural offers spectacular undisturbable natural beauty rain forest.

At the end of you trek, you will pass conservation forest area, finish your trekking, we will make you to the best recommended restaurant at Bratan Lake for lunch with buffer lunch. You will arrive at your hotel again at 03.00 – 03.30 in the afternoon.


The price is Sharing Price
Just only US$ 70.00 /person

Price include:

  • AC Transportation
  • Guide for trekking
  • Light Breakfast
  • Buffet Lunch
  • Mineral Water on Trekking
  • Canoeing
  • Trekking equipment
  • Entrance fee
  • Donation
  • Insurance


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